As I arrived in Las Vegas, I was drawn to a big, beautiful sign beckoning with “Enchant” in front of the hotel. I was curious so, I asked what it meant. The valet said, “You must enter to find out,” so enter I did, down countless corridors until I reached a world not unlike Alice in Wonderland, only a Christmas version.
Upon reaching the storied land of “Enchant” I was horrified to find that a great storm had blown through the land of Enchant and Santa’s reindeer were now missing. Further, I was asked to help find Santa’s reindeer and help save Christmas.

How could I refuse? So, I was directed to another instruction indicating that my search would begin at the sign. On I went in hopes of helping to find Santa’s lost reindeer. I proceeded through forests of beautifully lit trees in white, gold, and blue for what seemed like hours.
At last, I spied Blitzen resting on the ground. Relief flooded through me! One found and only eight to go, unless of course, Rudolph was to be among them, in which case it would be nine. Onward through more strange and beautiful objects, all lighting the way on the quest to find Santa’s reindeer. There were diamonds everywhere! Standing, laying on the ground, all different shapes. And just a little further and who should I see, but Dancer!

He stood tall and proud among the diamonds and lit trees. Almost as if he was expecting me. Two were found and only seven were left to discover. He tipped his head in greeting then in the direction of the lit tunnel to my right. Obediently, I continued.
Through the tunnel I went, not knowing who or what was on the other side. Like everything else, it was lit with warm lights in a beautiful arch as if knowing that I was to pass through to continue on my journey to find the rest of his tribe. As I exited the tunnel, I came upon a mother bear and her cubs. I asked if she’d seen any of Santa’s reindeer and she said, “No, sadly I haven’t. I heard they were lost in the storm and I was shocked. Maybe the storm was just too much for them.” She shook her head and continued her journey.

As luck would have it, no sooner had she left me than I saw something ahead, grazing on a bush that had almost no snow on it. As I got closer, I realized it was Dasher! Hallelujah! I jumped up and down and shouted to get his attention. He looked my way and seemed to be happy to see me. I asked if he was lost and he said, “Not really, we were just a little tired from the powerful storm and decided to take a break. We know exactly where we are, but if you like, you can continue on this path and you’ll find the rest of us.” So that’s exactly what I did, immensely relieved to know that they weren’t all that lost after all.
I continued on the path through giant diamond rings, many more trees lit in beautiful colors and who should I run into but Dancer. There he was watching me approach. “Dancer, hi!” I called. “I’ve been looking for you and the rest of the team. Dasher said you’re taking a break.” “Yes, we are,” he said. “Look there,” he inclined his antlers, “there’s Rudolph.”

Sure enough, there he was red nose and all. I continued through a field of snowflakes and more trees and into another tunnel and into a field of pretty presents, and sure enough, there were Comet and Cupid. Further on through a gold ornament and more snowflakes, Prancer was there, you guessed it, prancing and as handsome as ever.
I was relieved I’d been able to find them all and understand why they took a break. There was a sign as I left thanking me and everyone else who helped to save Christmas. It made me smile.

For the YouTube video set to music, click here.
Until next time . . .